Poinsett County Courthouse
After the original Poinsett County Courthouse in Harrisburg burned on May 4, 1917, the county's residents desired to build an imposing structure that would be representative of the county's prosperity. Built in 1917, the new structure cost $200,000 to build. Mitchell Selligman, a young architect from Pine Bluff, was chosen to design the new structure. The site demanded four front elevations because the site for the structure was surrounded by a thriving commercial district and bordered by four principal throughfares, meaning the courthouse would be visible from all sides. He designed an essentially Palladian structure featuring four entrances and two identical main entrances. The main entrances were highlighted with grand, full-height, pedimented Corinthian porticos. The Poinsett County Courthouse was entered in the National Register of Historic Places on November 10, 1989.